About Us

Washington State's 45 conservation districts make up a grass roots conservation delivery system that identifies local problems and offers voluntarily solutions to cooperators. Cooperators are farm operators and landowners who sign up for a conservation district's services. Conservation districts provide an important connection between cooperators and government agencies in order to promote and implement technical and financial assistance programs to conserve natural resources.
All services provided by the SCD are voluntary and free of charge. Much of the technical assistance provided to cooperators consists of helping them adopt conservation Best Management Practices (BMPs). SCD technicians provide farm conservation planning servicesand wildfire risk assessments and prevention plans free of charge to cooperators who request assistance. The SCD Service Forester uses an ecosystem management approach in Forest Stewardship planning services offered to non-industrial private forestland owners. Civil and environmental engineering services for soil, water and habitat conservation projects in Skagit County are offered through the services of the NW Regional Professional Engineer. Engineering assistance is available for project planning, feasibility studies, engineering design, and permitting and construction management on projects that help conserve natural resources.
SCD's public outreach and education efforts include hosting workshops on many topics including septic system maintenance, livestock management, forest management, and citizen involvement in watershed protection. Our education and volunteer programs include Watershed Masters, Volunteer Shellfish Monitors, and Stream Team Monitors as well as working with schools to foster development of environmentally aware adults.
The Skagit Conservation District has a proven track record for putting conservation on the ground and involving volunteers in watershed education, monitoring and restoration projects. The SCD's programs reduce soil erosion and prevent sediment build-up, help dairies achieve nutrient management standards, increase and improve wildlife habitat on private land, establish riparian enhancement projects, target shellfish protection by correcting nonpoint pollution, and educate local citizens about our watersheds.
To find out more about our services and cost share opportunities, call the SCD at (360) 428-4313. We look forward to working with you to fill your conservation needs and help you protect your natural resources.
NW Region Conservation Districts
Local, State, & Federal Agencies
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Washington State Department of Ecology
Washington State Conservation Commission
Washington Association of Conservation Districts
National Association of Conservation Districts
Washington State Department of Natural Resources